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Terms & Conditions
- The Malaysia & Singapore All-Star teams will consist of 5 players respectively. The players will be chosen via fans voting.
- To vote, voters will pick up to 5 players from each list (Malaysia and Singapore) on the Google form.
- Each players will have their team tags attached to the end of their in-game-nickname for the voters easy reference.
- The team that wins the All-Star match will walk away with a total prize pool of USD 1,500 that will be shared among the 5 players.
- Voters need to have a Gmail account to participate.
- Each email is only entitled to one vote.
- Multiple entries coming from the same email will be void.
- There will be no substitution for the all-star match.
- The result of the poll will be shown on the MPL website.
- Voters will need to choose 5 players from each country.
- The TOP 5 vote getters for each country will earn the honor to be their country all-stars.